Thursday, July 26, 2012


The internet is full of blogs by folks that really have it all together, and that create gorgeous food and marketable crafts projects. They seem to demonstrate a million ways to save money, save the planet, and do it all while being low calorie and gluten free!

I am not one of those people.

I'm someone that thinks it is a pain to fix box macaroni and cheese, and that has forgotten that she was boiling water (until the pan melted).

Yeah, I'm a mom and a wife. That didn't give me the kind of super powers that seem to often be found along with that description. I think folks like that are awesome, but I'm just not one of them.

That said, I do have some talents. I'm reasonably bright (if not wise in domestic skills), and absolutely full of curiosity. I'm willing to do a bit of work to have nicer things for myself, if it isn't too complicated and I don't have to get a bunch of new equipment.

So, this blog is a personal record of the stuff that I sort out. I'll be trying all kinds of things, and reporting about them as honestly as I can (so that I can remember what I've already tried). Feel free to follow along or make suggestions, as I'm sure you probably know more about this stuff than I do.

~ Patty :)