Friday, July 27, 2012

Following a recipe: Chocolate Awesomes by Kate from Scratch

I am nearly 40 years old, and I've avoided cooking stuff most of my life. I realize that is a heck of a privilege, even if I mostly ate at fast food joints.

I'm at the point where I want to learn to cook things for myself though, and so I try to chose recipes that I can succeed at fairly easily.

I decided to try Chocolate Awesomes by Kate from Scratch. I made a few changes, but they shouldn't have been that big of a deal.

My cookies didn't turn out looking anything like her cookies.

Here are mine:

They sort of look just like Chocolate Chip Cookies, don't they?


These taste pretty good, if you like chocolate chip cookies. They are very rich and have a super texture. My daughter has been asking for them, and they seem to be disappearing fast. My husband and my ex-husband both seem to enjoy them a lot. I'm not a huge fan of chocolate chip cookies, but I've eaten my fair share of these...although maybe just out of boredom. I think they are sort of chocolate chip cookies for those that like dark chocolate and really rich desserts. I think they would go well with ice cream.

Here is the recipe (slightly changed to reflect what I did). If you want the original, please follow the link to the super cook above!

“Chocolate Awesomes”

  • 1 cup butter
  • 1/2 cup large marshmallows cut up
  • 2 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 3 teaspoons Hershey's cocoa powder
  • 1 cup packed dark brown sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1/4 cup heavy whipping cream, well chilled
  • 2 cups dark chocolate morsels
  1. Don't preheat the oven right away, you'll have to chill the dough for this recipe.
  2. Melt butter in the microwave until it is boiling (put some kind of cover over things because the butter will pop and geyser with heating).  This made a MESS of my microwave.
  3. Add marshmallow chunks and stir.  Set aside to cool. These never really melted into the butter for me, but remained floating on top of the butter and were just softened.
  4. Whisk flour, baking soda  and cocoa powder together.
  5. In a large mixing bowl combine brown sugar and egg. I used an electronic mixer. Add whisked dry ingredients in two additions, mixing after each addition.
  6. Add chilled cream to slightly cooled melted butter-marshmallow mixture and stir. This will look weird and make cream "globules" in the mixture...don't worry about it. Pour into the other ingredients while mixing on low with an electric mixer until just combined.
  7. Fold in dark chocolate morsels.
  8. Chill cookie dough for at least an hour. I chilled for three.
  9. Place oven rack in center of oven. (I have no idea if I did this or not.)
  10. Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
  11. Grab two cookie sheets and line them with parchment. Anything else is a pain!
  12. Using a round tablespoon measure, scoop batter into leveled tablespoons and drop onto prepared cookie sheets. The texture will be sort of strange, like a combo between clay and ice cream.
  13. Bake two cookie sheets worth at a time. Cook for something like 12 minutes. Start checking on them after 8 minutes, and wait until the edges seem to be done or darkening. Let them sit on the cookie sheet 5 minutes before removing them. Try one. If it seems to need more time, put them back in the oven a few minutes at a time until things seem right.
I have no idea how many cookies this made, but it seemed something like 40-50.  It is supposed to make three dozen.

~ Patty :)

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